She is a member of Women Writing the West, and
American Night Writers Association. She enjoys any kind of history including
family history.
When she is not piecing together novel plots, she pieces
together quilt blocks.
Connect with the Author here:

In 1865, at the victory dance held at Fort Riley to celebrate
the end of the Civil War, Kizzie is asked to participate in a fund-raiser to
aid the Sanitary Commission helping injured and sick soldiers. It involves
chaste sweetheart kisses in exchange for tickets purchased by officers and
guests. As a contract freighter for the Army, Leander is invited. Much to
Leander’s chagrin, before his chance to claim his kiss, Kizzie’s uncle steps in
and puts an end to the kissing game.
Is Leander out of luck, or will the bargain Kizzie and Leander
made three years earlier to save their horses lead to a more romantic bargain
sealed with a kiss?

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