The quest of Paymaster Stenstrom spans the planes, taking a bizarre turn in the 3rd universe, as there he is not an affluent man but a woman in desperate circumstances. Lady Stenibelle is imprisoned for her role in the Seeker Affair, is penniless, and her House of Belmont-South Tyrol is on the verge of extinction. Her spirit broken, Stenibelle is resigned to perform her sentence without fuss, do as she is told, and fade away in obscurity. However, fate is not yet finished with her. Stenibelle is in the gaze of hidden benefactors with ulterior motives. People claiming to be her dear friends come forward, yet she does not know them. The Quests of the Shadow tech Goddess proceed, and she must discover the hero that lies within or face total oblivion. The disgraced 30th daughter of the House of Belmont will either be the final stake driven into its dying heart, or the ray of light that comes to save it and all else that follows.

Ren Garcia is a Science
Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has
been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any
available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State
University and majored in English Literature. Ren has been an avid lover of
anything surreal since childhood, he also has a passion for caving, urban
archeology and architecture. His highly imaginative "League of Elder"
book series is published by Loconeal Publishing
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