One wrong step changes Jocelyn’s Prima Ballerina’s life in one step...
A single
choice results in Jeremiah facing unbearable consequences...
Can love be
tested too far? Will hearts soften and hurts be forgiven?
Or will too much
loss be too devastating to find hope?

Teya has been writing for as long as she can remember. At a young age she lived on a street she affectionately named Hill Street Blues, which helped her creative writing. Her Family moved to Menan where she continued her love of writing. Her father would always be and will continue to be her inspiration, even after his untimely death in 2006.
She loves sitting in her soft chair next to the fireplace and watching out a big living room window. It gives her plenty of creative juice for stories.
She met the love of her life in the loft of a barn. Yep, that set up some teasing from her father. They have been happily married since 2003. They have four children and all are loving and supportive of her writing. Her oldest daughter is following in her footsteps as a writer adding her own illustrations. She refuses to comment on the trolls in the closets and under the beds. She is active in her church, has compassion for others, and a love for all life brings.
(pick and choose what you want to use from my about author.)
Check out her social media pages!

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