When I was
about three, my mom said, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I think she was expecting me to say, “A mommy,
like you.” Instead, I popped off with,
“I want to be a writer.” I can still remember her face. She said, “Well, don’t you think you need to
learn to read first?”
I didn’t
think so.

non-fiction work includes the book, Mine
Angels Round About, the story of the LDS West German Mission evacuation of 1939
which occurred only days before the Nazi invasion of Poland.
fiction, Fireweed, is loosely based
on her interviews with the evacuated West German missionaries and their
Terry studied
with Dwight Swain and Jack Bickham, as well as David Farland. Her writing
awards include those from LDS Storymakers, Idaho Writers’ League, and Romance
Writers of America.
Lisel Spann has dreamed only of wonderful things in her future.
Living with her father, sister, and brother in a cramped apartment in
Berlin, the small family shares what seems to be an unbreakable spirit
of love and security. However, with the rise of the Nazi party and
approaching dark clouds of war, any kind of future grows increasingly
uncertain. Knowing little of hate and destruction, Lisel is ill prepared
as the storms of battle erupt in full fury and loved ones are taken from her as her beautiful city is reduced to rubble.
With fear and despair rising within, it is through her quiet,
compassionate father that Lisel discovers faith and hope. Now, in a
desperate journey to find her sister, Lisel and her neighbor flee Berlin
and the advancing Russians for Frankfurt, a city under the protection
of the Allies. But their flight to safety is filled with pain, hunger,
and terror. However, with spiritual lessons and blessings from her
father, the support of departed loved ones, and her tried but undying
faith in a loving Heavenly Father, perhaps Lisel can emerge like the
fireweed—rising strong and beautiful from scorched earth —transforming
bitterness and despair into a charity that never faileth.
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