Saturday, February 28, 2015

Book Tour: Pushing the Wall: A Memoir by James Duckett

Author Bio:

James loves to write, but he doesn't like to brag. Just kidding, he totally loves to brag. And refer to himself in the third person. Because both those things are cool. Right?
James Duckett is a founder and Chief Technology Officer of the Authors' Think Tank Facebook Group and Podcast. He wrote his first story in the 2nd grade and has been excited about writing ever since. He wrote his first book when he was 14, but one of his friends did the world a favor and accidentally threw it away.
“Pushing the Wall: A Memoir” is his first book. A contemporary romance (yeah, you read that right) novella will appear in an anthology on March 31st, 2015. He's introverted, geeky, funny looking, unpredictable, and easily distracted by the latest gadgets.


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Book Blurb:

What kind of idiot would run a marathon without training for it first? Me. 
Sure, I’d heard all the horror stories. Endurance athletes always fear “hitting the wall,” that point where the body runs out of energy and, BAM! Roadkill. With no conditioning, I feared smashing into this wall hard enough to leave a dent.
I wanted to train for the 2010 St. George Marathon, but after breaking my foot, the only marathon I could handle was on Netflix. When the race came, I just wanted to pick up the shirt I paid for, but peer pressure and the energy of the other 7,000 runners convinced me to go for it. My plan? Push the wall past the finish line. Then I could grab some ice cream, crawl into my truck, and drive home.
This memoir details my love/hate affair with running, why I didn’t prepare, and how I survived 26.2 grueling miles that I had no business attempting. This book also includes running tips for anybody looking to maximize their training experience, covering topics like:

  • Finding the right running pace
  • Speed workouts
  • Running safely at night
  • Tapering and carb-loading before a race
  • Basic first aid for runners
  • Injury prevention
  • And more!

It’s whimsical, yet educational. It’s whimsucational!

Foreward by Aaron Metler, winner of the 2010 and 2014 St. George Marathons.

Tour Schedule:

February 28
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 6
March 7
March 8
March 9
March 10
March 12



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