Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Book Tour: Call To Arms, Nations Fall by Randy Lindsay

Joining the military had seemed like the right thing to do, but when war breaks out in Europe Robert wonders if he hasn’t made the biggest mistake of his life. The Russian juggernaut grinds its way toward Italy, the country Robert has grown to love. As one of a handful of American soldiers in the area, he must find a way to help the ragged remnants of NATO’s forces to prevent any more European nations from falling.

While back home, the rest of the Williams family struggles to protect themselves in the face of an impending civil war. The very fabric of society continues to unravel, threatening the destruction of the Constitution and the American way of life.

As Vice President, Calvin McCord continues to defy both sides of the political divide in order to find a solution to the war in Europe, the ravaging of the United States, and an espionage ring within the White House. 

Purchase your copy here: 

RANDY LINDSAY is a native of Arizona. He lives in Mesa with his wife, five of his nine children, and a hyper-active imagination. His wife calls him the “Storyman” because he sees everything as material for a good story. Randy’s first novel, The Gathering: End’s Beginning, was published in 2014. He has also been published in several anthologies during 2013-2014. If you want to find out more you can check him out at

An Author Interview with Donna from and Author Randy Lindsay.

Q1: What was your inspiration for this novel?
A1: Apocalyptic stories are my favorite category of fiction. I wanted to write a story that could really happen. I also wanted to give people hope in case events like the ones that I describe in my book ever did happen. I wanted people who read my book to be able to say, "If the Williams family can survive the apocalypse, then so can I."

Q2: What was the most interesting fact you learned while doing research for this novel?
A2: That you don't need to run out of food at the grocery stores to create a panic. Something as simple as a 20% reduction in the availability of soy beans can trigger a panic response that leads to a run on everything else. 
Q3: Do you have any themes that showed up unplanned?
A3: I find it interesting how my critique group and the people who have read my books will tell me how clever I am for incorporating a theme into me story. What's interesting about it is that I planned no such thing. People have a wonderful capacity to draw images and meaning from literature. Once Call to Arms: Nations Fall is released I expect to have a few people point out beautiful themes that I hadn't noticed while I was writing it. 
Q4: Are you a plotter or a seat-of-the-pants writer?
A4: I would say that I'm 90% plotter and 10% pantser. I like to know where my story is going and make sure that the essentials are there. That being said, my outlines often include gaping holes in the structure that I leave until I am ready to write that section of the story. My outline for a chapter might have nothing more than "the hero discovers a secret about the villain." That secret might reveal itself to me as I'm writing another portion of the story or it might remain hidden until I reach the point where I have to discover it. I like being occasionally surprised by the developments in a story. 
Q5: Did any part of the plot take you by surprise as you were writing it?
A5: Yes. Robert taking shrapnel, that will leave him with a permanent limp. Not so much the fact that he's wounded during his final conflict of the story, but that I decided it would affect him for the rest of the series. The truth is you don't want to be the main protagonist in any of my stories; I tend to bang them up pretty badly. 
Q6: If you could go back and visit any era, when would that be and why?
A6: Oh sure, ask me something that's going to reveal my childish nature. I would go back to the Jurassic period because as far as I'm concerned dinosaurs are the coolest things that ever existed. 
Q7: What is your 'elevator pitch' for this novel?
A7: I'm still working on that. Let me try a couple of them out on your readers. 
Robert Williams joined the Army Corp of Engineers to get an education; what he got was World War III. 
As much as I like the sound of that pitch only Robert's portion of the story deals with the next war in Europe. I don't want my intended audience to think this is a military novel. There is so much more to the story which deals with the collapse of society and specifically the unraveling of alliances between nations. Maybe something like this would be more appropriate. 
The Williams family searches for a way to keep their family together while the rest of the world is falling apart. 

August 12

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